The bipolarity of output AUX
Victoria Todorov
14 AUG - 27 NOVEMBER 2021
Opening Drinks
SAT 13 NOV 4-7PM
This exhibition was thoughtfully reviewed by Memo Review. Read the article here
Treasure, detritus and beauty swirl to beguile and infuriate. The hot flash of jewels, promise for a new beginning equate to purified form. Nothing to do with aspiring, a want to enforce/ dictate that nothing presented is an aspiration toward. It’s important you believe me, so we can collectively aspire to that same thing.
‘Radicality’ of bright words in this subdued indie Groundhog Day climate or perhaps a bold pastiche fragmented by pop lens. It’s never typically garish, not self done and intentionally undone.
Decoding engrained messages, spiritual elevation (that’s elitist), cult leadership, mass by mass. It’s funny like Family Guy, goofy like Looney Tunes and pretty like a flat lipo-sculpt.
Perceived signature style is a trope but required to navigate the money centric landscape. Purity of self expression has never been “authentic” only perceived as such.
Being so detached from the underground, being so detached from the mainstream, being so acquainted with the niche.. Silence and respite in the spinning of a screen. Pixels everywhere, mints, Tom Ford Lipstick, stock audience laughing track.
Rather than shy away, let it scatter, repeat, fester.